A patient from the Netherlands tells how his teeth were treated in “Dr. Butkevica Dental Practice”
At my age (79 years old), for the last few years, my gums were hurting with the denture a French dentist put in. The last tentative was to go to Dr Butkevica in Riga where the staff and the procedure were first quality. Now, I can eat everything I want. Thank you to Dr Butkevica and her team. Monique Fandere
Thanks a million for the work you’ ve done! I am really satisfied with the professional work of the dental clinic, high quality and a pleasant atmosphere. Everything is at the highest level! Edgars Masalskis, Goalie of Latvian National Ice Hockey Team
Alena, Knowing you, the first words that come to my mind are “sweetness” and “warmth”… and, of course, your brilliant smile! I know that you are a smart, intelligent and beautiful woman with hands of gold! You are more than just a professional in your field, who has experienced and discovered something no one else has managed to. You have come a long and difficult way to achieve your “laurels”. In your heart you are a lovely, radiant woman who is always smiling. Your patients will always take first place for you, because your practice is like your second family and you see your patients as your family members. Responsibility, care, professionalism… I admire and respect you as a doctor, a human being, a woman and a friend. Dear Alena, thank you for being there for us and for your contribution to our smiles! Dagnija Balme Zaharova
Dental implants are a serious medical manipulation. In this video our patient shares her positive implants surgery experience and tells about her sensations after dental implants were successfully implanted. People who used to have dental problems can truly appreciate how it feels to have healthy and beautiful teeth. After successful treatment the patient thanks doctors for the work done and wishes health for all the patients who visit Dr. Butkevica’s dental practice in Riga.
Modernā cilvēka žokļa izmērs ir samazināts, salīdzinot ar senčiem, līdz ar to gudrības zobiem, kas izaug pēdējie, nereti vairs nepietiek vietas un tie rada ne tikai diskomfortu, bet var arī deformēt visu zobu rindu, iekaist un sagādāt citas problēmas. Šajā videoklipā pacients pateicas par veiksmīgo gudrības zoba ekstrakciju, ko veica zobārstniecība Rīgā dakteres Alēnas Butkēvičas vadībā
The reason for seemingly unreasonable dental fear usually is negative experience. Modern dental methods are radically different from those used 30 – 40 years ago. In this video our patient shares his experience of overcoming dental fear and tells how Dr. Butkevica’s dental practice in Riga helped him in achieving this important goal.