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All Services of Dr. Alena Butkevica’s Dentistry

Dr. Alena Butkevica’s dental clinic has a wide range of dentistry services. A professional team consists of dentists for children and adults, dental surgeons, specialists in prosthetics and other dentistry fields. Have a look at the services of Dr. Butkevica’s clinic!

Restoration of Jaw Bone Tissues

Restoration of jaw bone tissues is used when it is necessary to fully restore functions and visual appearance of oral cavity and face. Restoration is made with removable plates or permanent implants (bridges etc.). The jaw bone impacts the lip form and general facial aesthetics.

Integrated Teeth and Oral Cavity Test

The only integrated teeth and oral cavity test in Latvia and Baltic states with succeeding treatment plan.

Children’s Dentistry

The first visit to a dentist is extremely important for the correct formation of healthy habits of oral care. Children’s dentistry at Alena Butkevica’s dental clinic takes into account the specifics of children’s psychology and uses the atraumatic approach with game elements for dental hygiene and treatment. Children’s dentistry includes:

  • complex evaluation of teeth and oral cavity which includes:
    • visual and tactile intraoral and extraoral examination;
    • X-Rays;
    • making a model of the patient’s oral cavity.
  • making a treatment plan;
  • paying attention to the child’s needs and transforming a visit to the dentist to an adventure.

Dental Treatment

  • treating tooth decay and caries;
  • restoring correct dental anatomy using composite materials, silver, golden or ceramic filling;
  • root canal treatment, root strengthening and restoration of the dental crown in case of dental nerve necrosis.

Sedative treatment

The problem of fears and excessive worrying that resulted in patient’ s avoiding of receiving dental services can be easily solved by a partial or complete sedation during the treatment.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular methods of improving visual appearance of oral cavity. In order to get maximally efficient and soothing teeth whitening, certain aspects should be taken into account:

  • teeth whitening should only be carried out in professional dentistry;
  • the result depends on enamel natural colour. After the procedure yellowish and brownish teeth become whiter than teeth in greyish tone;
  • long-term result is preserved if the patient is following doctor’s advice;
  • teeth whitening can only be applied to natural teeth. Patients with fillings or tooth crowns can change these elements to the whiter ones in order to get rid of unwanted colour contrast;
  • after the procedure teeth may become sensitive for a short-term period.


Restoration of the missing bone, which resulted from a lasting absence of a tooth, in case of parodontosis or due to an injury. The restoration of the bone is necessary in order to perform successful prosthetics (implants and other methods).


Prosthetics is a modern way of restoration of even badly damaged and missing teeth. It enables dentists to restore visually and functionally flawless teeth and a beautiful smile. Using modern technology and newest achievements in the field of dentistry allows creating dental prostheses which practically can’t be distinguished from natural teeth.

In prosthetics several methods can be used, such as:

  • dental crown – the tooth shell, covering the upper part of the tooth up to the gum border;
  • dental bridge – if several nearby teeth are damaged and some of them are missing, a bridge is made. This is a set of dental crowns covering the entire damaged site and creating an aesthetically attractive dental arch;
  • removable prostheses.


Implantology is the field of dentistry in which dentists are dealing with artificial dental roots which are implanted in the jaw bone. This is a good solution in case of missing teeth which can be restored with implants. Implants help to restore full functionality of natural teeth.

Check-Ups and Dental Hygiene

Another important dentistry service is dental hygiene – one of the most effective methods of maintaining oral health. Dental hygiene includes:

  • removal of dental calculus and soft plaque;
  • teeth surface polishing ;
  • visual check-up, identifying possible problems;
  • consulting on dental care and a toothpaste/ toothbrush choice.

If you want to improve your smile, apply for a visit right now!